Five new research projects announced for IIT

The months from May to July proved quite fruitful for the Institute’s Labs whose hard work has paid off with five new research projects in addition to the kick-off of seven projects in the first semester of 2020.

In May, the Lab NML & Mind kicked off the Erasmus+ project MGM – MYgrant METAMORPHOSIS Professionalization of Youth Workers – Integration of Migrants through Multi-Medial & Art-Based Learning which aims to create a supportive environment so as to socially include youth workers with a migrant background and reinforce their role as European citizens through the use of eBooks, the creation of an eLearning Platform and an Event Management Guide.

In mid-June, SKEL Lab kicked off the national project EU-Pri: An approach how to teach citizenship education in the prison. By implementing workshops with the use of technological sciences like Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and 5G Networks, the project aims to encourage the adult students-inmates to participate and cooperate with each other, thus enhancing and empowering their self-esteem and self-confidence. These practices aim to encourage them to think in a critical way and make decisions about civic and political issues that affect them.

Additional new projects were announced and scheduled to start in Autumn 2020. In September, MNL Lab will begin work on PALANTIR–Practical Autonomous Cyberhealth for resilient SMEs & Microenterprises which aims at bridging the gap between large enterprises and SMEs/MEs, by providing multi-layered, infrastructure-wide threat monitoring, cyber-resiliency and knowledge sharing in a heterogeneous ecosystem, while at the same time being able to market these services to third parties in the form of Security-as-a-service (SECaaS).

SKEL will launch project EUROCC–National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC (EuroHPC-04-2019: HPC Competence Centres). The EuroCC project aims to implement the European network of National Competence Centres (NCC), by establishing in each of the 34 participating nations a HPC Competence Centre as a reference and single contact point for academia, industry and public administration. NCSR Demokritos is a member of EuroCC and participates in the Greek National Competence Center, which aims to enable the efficient uptake of HPC technologies with the three-fold goal to: i) advance competitiveness in research, ii) improve effectiveness of government services and iii) promote innovation in industry.

In October, ISL Lab will instigate the European H2020 project, SAFETY4RAILS–Data-based analysis for SAFETY and security protection FOR detection, prevention, mitigation and response in trans-modal metro and RAILway networkS. The project delivers methods and systems to increase the safety and recovery of cyber and/or physical attacks on track-based inter-city railway and intra-city metro transportation. It will analyse the cyber-physical resilience of metro and railway systems and deliver mitigation strategies for efficient response, and, in order to remain secure, given ever-changing novel emerging risks, it will facilitate continuous adaptation of the SAFETY4RAILS solution.

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