IEEE SLT2018 – SKEL Lab brings the Spoken Language Technology conference in Greece

IEEE Spoken Language Technology 2018

Following a successful bid in 2017, Athens was chosen as the place to host IEEE’s biennial international Spoken Language Technology conference.
The event which is taking place outside of the USA for the first time in IEEE’s history, is chaired by Dr. Vangelis Karkaletsis, NCSR Demokritos who is one of the co-chairs of the organising Committee along with Dr. Yannis Stylianou, Apple & University of Crete and Dr. Srinivas Bangalore, Interactions.

During the four days of the conference, delegates will have the oportunity to meet and discuss with the leaders in the field Google, Uber, Amazon, Oben, Microsoft and listen to speakers such as Apple’s Alex Acero, the man behind virtual assistant Siri, Karen Livescu from Toyota Technological Institute, Dimitra Vergyri from SRI International as well as Spyros Raptis from Innoetics the Greek success story acquired by Samsung including Petros Maragos from NTUA.

The programme is full of interesting demo and panel sessions, talks, challenges and poster sessions throughout its 4 days:

Students can register at reduced rates and will receive IEEE’s certificate of attendance.

To find out more about the event and to register visit:

When: Tue 18/12/2018 Fri 21/12/2018

Where: Royal Olympic Hotel, Athens, Greece
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