IIT provides 5 PhD Scholarships in USA Universities | Deadline 29.11.2021

For yet another academic season, the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunication, at NCSR Demokritos in collaboration with US Universities – University of Houston, Rice University, University of Texas at Arlingtonprovide five (5) full scholarships for PhDs, in the domains of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Machine Learning, Big Data, and Bioinformatics.

Closing date for applications: 29/11/2021

Learn more about the PhD Scholarships here


The joint PhD programme of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (ΙΙΤ) offers a full scholarship (covering: tuition fees, living expenses, travel costs, and costs for participating in scientific conferences). The research will be conducted at NCSR Demokritos, the largest interdisciplinary research center in Greece, and specifically in its Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, SKEL | The AI ​​Lab at IIT. The scholarships also provide applicants with the opportunity to be directly connected with the market by having their internship in leading companies in the US.

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