The Web is transforming rapidly from a Web of information to a Web of Opinions, where people upload their viewpoints, ratings and comments on any conceivable topic. Unfortunately, this plethora of opinions and the corresponding arguments are effectively lost; the arguments are not uploaded as machine- processable data, they are not interlinked, and it is extremely difficult for Web users to find arguments related to a particular subject, let alone to evaluate them.
DebateLab aims to conduct basic and applied research towards developing the theoretical framework for representing, mining and reasoning with online arguments. Exploiting progress in the fields of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Semantic Web, Natural Language Processsing, Information Retrieval and Machine Learning, this project aims to pave the way for a new Web paradigm, a modern agora, where the different types of arguments and human deliberation can be amenable to machine-interpretable representation and algorithmic processing. While the basic research will progress in a domain independent manner, the applied research will focus on the domain of e-Journalism, in order to produce exploitable outcome of both theoretical and practical value. DebateLab will be conducted at FORTH-ICS in collaboration with SKEL-NCSR “Demokritos”, by a balanced consortium comprising senior, principal and postdoctoral researchers, PhD students and a software engineer.
Start Date
January 1, 2020
End Date
December 31, 2022
Funding Programme
National projects
NCSR budget