An important crosscutting need for Artificial Intelligence is to create technologies for trustworthy autonomous and frugal learning, i.e. the ability of a system to adapt and learn from its environment, including from user supervision, for a reasonable cost and without intervention from expert developers nor regression. Such technologies can be highly disruptive and have high impacts for many capabilities, especially when the information to manage is highly variable or unpredictable and high adaptability is needed. These technologies can also alleviate the current need to provide data to the system developers to get improvements depending on such data, which can be critical when the data is confidential, and is thus critical for defence. They can more generally enhance technological independence. Selected actions should include the organisation of technological challenges addressing well-defined goals in order to bootstrap and drive progress toward answering identified defence needs, while leveraging civil research and generating spill over effects. Within the FaRADAI project, current advances in AI technologies will be thoroughly researched in parallel with a detailed study of the main challenges imposed by a defence system. Aiming at significant breakthroughs in AI, the models will accelerate their wider application and deployment in defence systems increasing their impact and the overall performance.
Start Date
December 1, 2022
End Date
May 31, 2026
Funding Programme
European Defence Fund Action
NCSR budget