

intelligent Robotic high-precision Treatment Application in rough terrain vineyards

iRTA aims to build a smart spraying apparatus tailored to the intricacies of treatment application in rough and steep slope terrains and on cultivations of high variability between plants, as is the grape. To achieve this, iRTA will combine state-of-the-art technologies with features that fully adhere to the requirements of the usage setting and integrate them into a flexible robotic platform. Namely, iRTA will augment the robotic platform with sophisticated software for autonomous localisation, navigation and obstacle avoidance, in order to enhance its traversability and ensure its safe operation in rough environments with the simultaneous presence of human workers. The platform will be equipped with a high-precision, low-waste spraying component, further improved by the incorporation of advanced AI models for optimising treatment usage. The base platform itself will undergo improvements for increasing its efficiency and operational capacity. The produced integrated platform will be thoroughly tested in both simulated and on-ground settings, in order to ensure that it meets the requirements posed by the tackled challenge. In parallel with technological advancements, the project will ensure that the iRTA solution has the appropriate visibility in relevant stakeholder communities and raise awareness for the product in carefully targeted markets. It will thus form the foundation for a successful commercialisation and lay out the plan for the sustainability of the platform after the end of the project.

Start Date

May 1, 2020

End Date

December 31, 2021



Funding Programme


NCSR budget


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