

Preparation of the development of the AI-on-demand platform

Pre-PAI will be the realization of “Preparatory actions for the AI-on-demand platform” (call providing the blueprint for the further development, deployment, and operation of the European AI-on-demand platform, realized in “Deployment of the AI-on-demand platform (call The project will carry out a comprehensive requirement analysis for different stakeholder groups, mainly SMEs, industrial sectors, and public administration. These requirements analyses will lead to an overall roadmap and plan to build and consolidate the AI-on-demand platform. It includes a comprehensive concept to provide trustworthy AI assets into the platform to support European leadership on trustworthy AI and to offer AI “Made in Europe”. Further, Pre-PAI will prepare the connection of the AI-on-demand platform with important DIGITAL Europe initiatives, like TEFs and E-DIHs, on a technical and governance level. The project will prepare the connection of the AI-on-demand platform with relevant infrastructure elements of DIGITAL, namely Cloud/Edge/HPC resources and data spaces. This will strengthen the central role of the European AI- on-demand platform in the DIGITAL programme. This preparatory action has a clear focus to meet the needs of industrial and productive users and the European industry. Pre-PAI will also address the needs of the public administration by providing guidelines and an AI tool map for procurement processes. Finally, Pre-PAI will create a concept and plan for the sustainability of the platform including business perspectives and values. This will lead to a trustful, sustainable, and user-oriented platform for European industry and society. The consortium of Pre-PAI consists of 22 partners from 11 European countries and includes a wide network on AI and digitalization initiatives in Europe. The consortium consists of diverse but complementary set of organizations with expertise to ensure the outcomes are achieved during the short project duration.

Start Date

November 1, 2022

End Date

July 31, 2023



Funding Programme


NCSR budget


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