SKEL Lab continues to build NCSR Demokritos's expertise in Precision Medicine projects

SKEL Lab continues to grow its expertise, and add to that of NCSR Demokritos, by leading and participating in various Precision Medicine projects.

More specifically SKEL Lab leads the H2020 iASiS project (Integration and analysis of heterogeneous big data for precision medicine and suggested treatments for different types of patients) which started in April 2017 and will run for 3 years and has a total budget of €4.3M.

Coordinator Dr. Giorgos Paliouras oversees a ten-member consortium bringing together organisations across four different EU member countries, plus a US (non-funded) with complimentary expertise across diverse research areas.

More about the iASiS project here:

Another precision medicine project that has recently kicked off (January 2018) is H2020 BigMedilytics (Big Data for Medical Analytics). With a total budget of almost €15M, the 35 partner project will run across 12 countries for 38 months combining insights from more than 11 million patients. NCSR Demokritos is one of the 12 pilots of the project with Dr. Paliouras leading the task.

More about the BigMedilytics project here:
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Finally, NCSR Demokritos is one of the four key partners in the wider National Precision Medicine initiative which has been announced by the Greek Government earlier this year which will build the domain’s infrastructure and will help lead the way for personalised medicine in Greece.

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