White Paper | Democratising AI: A National Strategy for Greece by NCSR Demokritos

The Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT) of the National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos (NCSR Demokritos) has put together a White Paper which aims to set out the National AI Strategic Vision for Greece and to provide an initial plan of action on how to achieve this vision. The White Paper aims to accelerate the adoption and development of AI in both the private and public sectors in Greece and increase the relevant skills and the research and development (R&D) base through the provision of the necessary AI infrastructure and enablers that will facilitate the Democratisation of AI.

Greece aims to foster a technology-enabled future that embraces innovation and development for the benefit of all and for the common good, by innovating upon its core values that constitute the core values of Europe; the values and moral ideals of Democracy. Values, ideals and fundamental rights that become more relevant in the AI era. An era where we will need more than ever before to protect and promote the freedoms, rights, autonomy, interests and welfare of humans and nature.

In addition to the White Paper, an online portal has been established to facilitate information sharing and provide the ability for an open consultation in the near future:

Access your copy of the White Paper here: Democratising AI: A National AI Strategy for Greece

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